What is Heard?


Heard takes communication between your citizens and your government one step further, unlike any other system. Most current political citizen feedback systems will only allow citizens to alert their representatives of the problems they face. These systems do not provide information to make logical decisions.  Heard enables citizens to create viable solutions to those problems, collectively.

Why don't other systems provide enough information? Let us take a simple example. Say a system records that five thousand people write to you about health care. This only shows that people care about this issue, but it does not tell you how citizens would like the issue to be handled. Health care is so vast that it is impossible to eliminate the information down to make a decision that you know most of your constituents would want. Heard looks at political feedback differently, instead of getting a notification saying five thousand people care about health care you will get a notification alerting you of a specific idea on how to improve the health care system and how many people support that idea. It is time to listen to solutions, not problems.

Here is a sample notification: Jane Doe proposed that all police in our local neighborhood should be required to wear body cameras. Twenty Thousand people voted to support this proposal. A total of 84% of the people in your community agree with this proposal. You can find more data on the proposal by clicking on the notification.


The blueprints

Understand the user experience and the system process flow.

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